The Disingenuous Call for Peace: “Do Not Put the Country Through This”

As a nation I hope we can find a path of peace and reconciliation going forward, but it will not be built upon disingenuous and twisted calls for peace as we are seeing this week from people against the 25th amendment or impeachment in the name of “not putting the country through this.” Of course, these are largely the same people that have been bringing us to the precipice of disaster by saying the election was fraudulent for the last two months.
Unfortunately even something as beautiful and essential as peacemaking can be so twisted by those who desire is not actually reconciliation but to protect their outgoing leader, We can look at times in history when this turned out very poorly. I don’t think it is analogous in terms of danger, but this call for calm and peace is what happened after Hitler’s first attempted coup. They treated him with kid gloves because they did not want to to upset his radical base. Of course, his base was not satisfied with that and did not care about their attempts for appeasement. Those deep in the Trump cult will not settle for such appeasement either. Joe Biden could come out today and say that he doesn’t want Trump to be indicted for the sake of the country, and they would laugh and call him weak and say it was part of some deeper plot against Trump. Yes, the impeachment will probably not actually lead to his removal given the timetable. However, it is simply unacceptable to do nothing after a president essentially sparks a insurrection the United States government killing five people and putting all the legislators in danger. It would be the height of irresponsibility. It is not about revenge but assuring that nothing similar ever happens again. Doing nothing would be to say that we are not a republic and that demagogues are welcome to try it again.
Trump not only needs to be impeached but he needs to face prison time regardless of who that upsets or what that does to the temporary “peace” of the nation. A true peace cannot be built on false foundations and will not work in the long run and usually will not even last very long in the short run. Let’s be people of peace and grace and try to reconcile with those around us from all different political ideologies but let’s not bastardize pure ideas in order to defend a fascist movement which could have great ramifications in the future if it is not dealt with now.